July 19 - Monthly Lodge Social
The monthly lodge social was held at Havana Country Club on Monday July 19th. There were almost 30 Brothers, Wives and significant others in attendance. It was a great time for socialization and a great meal
June 10 - June Stated Meeting
The monthly Stated meeting was held on June 10. The meeting covered a wide range of business issues including a vote to change the bylaws to move the meeting location from Wildwood Masonic Lodge to the Leesburg Odd Fellows Hall (2401 Virginia Drive, Leesburg). The 15th Masonic District District Deputy Grand Master, RW Michael Blankinship, made his official visit and represented Lodge awards originally made at the Grand Communication. District Committeemen made presentations during the meal.
June 4 - Villages Daily Sun Article on Bike For Books
A very nice article of the Villages Masonic Lodge's Bikes for books program appeared in the Villages Daily Sun on June 4th. It got a large front and back page pictures and coverage in Section D - Local and Business. Great job by all Brotherswho helped assemble the bikes, transport the bikes to the schools and attended the presentations.
May 21 - Bikes for Books
The third presentation of Bikes for Books was held at Wildwood Elementary School. The presentation followed a BMX Bicycle Trick demonstration paid for by the Friends of the Library. The Villages Daily Sun was there for pictures and video (Look for them in the Daily Sun). The helmets were fitted and donated by the Wildwood Police Department. All three schools are Title I schools with 80%+ poverty.
May 20 - Monthly Social
The May monthly social was held at Evans Prairie Country Club. A great time of socialization.
May 20 - Bike for Books
The Wildwood Intermediate School held a Pep Rally to celebrate meeting their State Testing goals including reading. The presentation kicked off the Rally.
May 16 - Bikes for Books
The Lodge Bikes for Books program kicked off at the Villages Elementary at lady Lake School. It was another great presentation by the Lodge and the kids were excited to win a bicycle for meeting their reading goals.
May 13 - Stated Communication
The Stated Communication featured voting to accept Brother Gary Kadow as a dual member of the Villages Masonic Lodge. A 50 year Certificate and Pin were presented to Brother Philip Goldsmith. A synopsis of the Grand Lodge Legislation was read and voted on by the Lodge. A vote was taken to begin meeting at the Leesburg Odd Fellow Hall. By-Law changes were read and presented for lay over for 30 days to be voted on at the June 10 Stated Communication.
February 9 -Annual Valentine Dance
The Lodge held its Annual Valentine Fundraising Dance on February 9th at the Rohan Recreation Center. Music was provided by "Bubba the Famous DJ (AKA Emmett Mills Jr., PM)." There was a great meal provided by Senior Warden Bruce Ferri who acted as Chairman for this event. GREAT JOB BRUCE and all the Brothers who helped make this event a success!
2023 Villages Masonic Lodge Activities
November 17 - 25th Anniversary & Charter Re-Dedication
About 120 people helped the Villages Masonic Lodge celebrate it's 25th Silver Anniversary as a Lodge and the Re-dedication of the Lodge charter. The Re-dedication ceremony was performed by Most Worshipful Glen B. Bishop, Grand Master of Masons of Florida.
September 18 - September Social
September 11 - Stated Meeting
July 1 - Brother Richard Conlin Presented 60 Year Service Award
On July 1st, Worshipful Master David Windmiller presented Brother Richard Conlin with his 60 Year Service Award. Congratulations Brother Conlin on your remarkable achievement. We were proud to present you this award.
June 22 - Honor Flight Charity Donation
On June 22, Worshipful Master David Windmiller presented a charity donation check to Mr. Wayne Grunewald of Honor flight
June 18 - June Social at Sammy's Italian Restaurant
A great time was enjoyed by all who attended the June social at Sammy's Italian Restaurant
2022 Villages Masonic Lodge Activities
The Annual Christmas party and social was held at Evans Prairie Country Club. A great time was had by all who attended.
On September 8th, SW David Windmiller presented a check on behalf of the Villages Masonic Lodge to Honor Flight in support of our area Veterans.
On August 19th, several Villages Masonic Lodge Veterans who participated in Honor Flight Missions had a Reunion at North Lake Presbyterian Church. Included were R:.W:. Ed Mayfield-Vet (and partner Nancy), Stu Davis-Vet, S.W. David Windmiller-Photographer (and wife Madalyn-Gardian), W:. Jim Hawkins-Gardian and Jim Chaffin-Vet (and wife Judy).
The Villages Masonic Lodge held its August monthly social at Cane Garden Country Club. a great turnout by our lovely widows and Brothers.
On Monday August 15th, the villages Masonic Lodge made its annual Adopt-a-School school supply delivery to the Villages Elementary at Lady Lake school.
The August Stated Communication was held on August 8, 2022 with a great turnout. Brother JW Jeff Lessard prepared a delicious meal of chicken salad and strawberry shortcake. We were honored with the 15th Masonic District Instructor, R:.H:. Richard Koenig joining us for the meeting. Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi presented Brother John Dean with his 25 year pin and certificate. Congratulations Brother Dean on your long and faithful service. Thank you for all the Brothers present at this meeting.
On Thursday, July 27, the Villages Masonic Lodge participated in the "Feed My Starving Children" initiative hosted by Live Oak Community Church. Our Brothers, Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi, R:.H:. Rich Koenig, W:. Carl Wolff and Brother Larry Alfree were part of huge effort to package nourishing meals for children in over seventy countries around the world.
The Villages Masonic Lodge held its quarterly road clean up on Rolling Acres Road on July 23. Five Brothers assisted along with the Madlyn Windmiller and the Windmiller's twin grand children. Thank you for your community service on behalf of the Lodge.
The Villages Masonic Lodge conferred the Fellow Craft Degree on Brother David Hammonds. Brother Hammonds successfuly performed his catechism prior to the degree. JW Brother Jeff Lessard sat in the East and W:. Brother Sam Ramdial delivered the lecture. The Charge was delivered by R:.W:. Larry Kent. Light refreshments were shared following the degree.
On Thursday, July 14th, the Villages Masonic Lodge performed an Entered Apprentice Degree for new Brother Todd David Keueger. Brother SD Ferri sat in the East and did a great job. A suburb lecture was given by Brother JW Jeff Lessard. We were pleased to have W:. Dana Oldenburg, Grand Musician for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Florida providing music. Again, Congratulations Brother Keueger!
A great time was had on June 20th at Belle Glade Country Club for the monthly social. The social was well attended and all present had a great time and great meal.
The June Stated Communication started with a delicious meal prepared by JW Jeff Lessard. A special dessert treat of ice cream was provided by the Villages Masonic High-12 Club President Ron Hicks and his Lady Diane. The meeting was highlighted by a 25-year Certificate and Pin presented to Brother Ulrich Hofmann by Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi.
On June 10th, the Grand Master of Masons in Florida, Most Worshipful Robert J. Lambert, made his official visit to the Grand 15th Masonic District. Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi made check presentations to the charities of the Grand Master and his lady, Carol Lambert. The Grand Master's charity is the Masonic Home of Florida and the First Lady's project is to refresh and modernize the resident rooms in the Skilled Nursing Facility of the Masonic Home of Florida.
The Villages Daily Sun ran a very nice article on the Villages Masonic Lodge's 2022 "Bikes for Books" program. Thank you to all who contributed to this worthwhile program serving the youth of our community. As stated by Wildwood Elementary School Principal Summer Shirley, "The Villages Masonic Lodge Group 394 was an incredible blessing to WWES this year." The WWES Media Specialist, Eileen Badger, said "the school is leading the Sumter County School District in AR (Accelerated Reader) points." The program was equally successful at the Villages Elementary at Lady Lake and Principal Gregg Dudley said it made a difference in their reading program. THANK YOU Brothers, you have made a difference in our community! We are preparing to repeat this program next year and the schools are excited about that. And thank you Garrett for your excellent coverage of this program.
Congratulations to our ownWorshipful Master Michael Gaudiosi for being the 2022 State Winner of the Master Mason Lecture. The winners plaque was presented by Most Worshipful Jeffrey S. Foster, Grand Master of Masons in Florida. This is a great honor for both WM Gaudiosi and the Lodge. Thank you for all your effort WM in learning this important Masonic lecture.
MAY 29 - Villages Daily Sun Article on Bike for Books
On May 29th, the Villages Daily Sun placed a SMALL article on the Villages Masonic Lodge's Bikes for books presentations. The Daily Sun took a lot of pictures and was given substantial information on the program and interviewed the Principals. See June 6 for more complete coverage.
On Tuesday, May 24th, the Villages Masonic Lodge presented Villages Elementary at Lady Lake with 12 bicycles to the winners of the Lodge's "Bikes for Books" program. This was the second Title I school receiving bikes from the Villages Lodge. Thank you to Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi, Past Masters Rich Koenig and Jim Hawkins, Senior Warden David Windmiller, Past Master and Past DDGM Larry Kent and Tyler Glen Miller for helping with the presentation of the bikes, helmets and certificates to the winners. Also a BIG thank you to Principal Gregg Dudley, his staff and teachers for making this program work at the school. Between the two schools, thousands of books were read and tens of thousands of hours were spent reading. This strong effort by the children of both schools cannot but help improve their reading literacy. Congratulations to all students of both Wildwood Elementary and Villages Elementary Schools! Thank you to Senior Warden David Windmiller for taking the pictures.
On Thursday, May 16th, the Villages Masonic Lodge presented the Wildwood Elementary School "Bikes for Books" winners with their new bicycles, helmets and certificates. Thank you to all lodge members who attended including Worshipful Master Mike Gauidosi, Past Masters Rich Koenig and Jim Hawkins, Senior Warden David Windmiller and Tyler Glen Miller. Also a BIG thank you to Principal Summer Shirley and all her teachers and staff who coordinated this program over the school year. Twelve bicycles were presented (one each for a boy and girl in grades K thru 5th). This was the culmination of several months of work by the lodge in soliciting donations, ordering bicycles and helmets and putting the bicycles together. Certificates were prepared by Secretary Emmett Mills and pictures taken by Madlyn Windmiller. Thank you to all who participated and especially to all who donated to this great program.
The Monthly social was held on May 16th at Orange Blossom Hills Restaurant. A great turnout had a wonderful social gathering of brothers, family and friends. A short presentation on "CaptionCall" was made by Michael McQuilkin. Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi introduced special guests, Steve and Tina Crawford, from Reading, England. Brother Steve has been a member of Reading Lodge of Union #414 for the past 28 years. We also had a contingent of our "Special Ladies" whom we also enjoy dining with us.
On May 14th, the Mt. Dora Chapter #79 of Rainbow Girls held its annual "Fun Degree" and bake sale. Following the auction of baked goods dinner was served by the Rainbow Girls. After dinner, the "Fun Degree" was conducted b y the Rainbow girls as they inducted R:.W:. Gary Gamache as an honorary Rainbow Girl.
On May 9th, the Villages Masonic Lodge monthly Stated Meeting was held at the Wildwood Masonic Lodge. A great meal was prepared by JW Jeffrey Lessard. There were 5 visitors at the meeting which featured proficiency card presentations to JW Jeff Lessard and Chaplin Sam Ramdial by District Instructor Dale Doucet. A final Thank You to R:.H:. Dale Doucet for 2 great years as District Instructor for the Grand 15th Masonic District.
A great article appearedin the April 27, 2022 Daily Sun on R:.W:. Ed Mayfield for his work with the Military Retiree Activities Office in lady Lake assisting veterans and their families.
On April 25th, Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi presented Brother Gary Meyers with his 55 Year Membership Pin and Certificate. Also present were R:.W:. Larry Kent and SD Bruce Ferri. Bro. Meyers, thank you for your 65 years of Masonic Service!
The Lodge met for breakfast at Perkins Restaurant prior to cleaning up the trash on Rolling Acres Road.
The Annual Widow's night social was held on April 19th at Lil Bits Restaurant. There were 40 in attendance as the Lodge Paid Honor to the Widow's of our past members who have laid down their working tools. A great meal was enjoyed by all. Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi gave a red rose to the newly widowed wives of deceased members.
April 11 - April Stated Meeting
The April Stated Meeting was held on April 11, 2002. After a "great" lunch prepared by J.W. Jeff Lessard, the meeting began at 1:30 PM. We voted on two petitioners as new members of the lodge. Welcome Brothers William Estes and Brother Brent Weisenborn. A 65-Year Membership Award was presented to our Lodge Organist, Ken Wheley by Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi and DDGM R:.W:. Eric Klienbach. Following these presentation, DDGM R:.W:. Eric Klienbach was presented with an Honorary Perpetual Membership in the Villages Masonic Lodge.
March 24 - Entered Apprentice Degree
The Lodge performed an Entered Apprentice Degree on March 24th for new Brothers David Bussone and David Hammonds. congratulations on becoming Masons. Brother SD Bruce Ferri sat in the East for the degree and did a great job. The EA Lecture was superbly delivered by Brother JW Jeff Lessard who also prepared a wonderful array of finger food following the degree. We were visited by brothers from Miami, Jacksonville, Kissimmee and Mt. Dora, Florida as well as the District Instructor for the 15th Masonic District, M:.H:. Dale Doucet.
March 21 - March Lodge Social
The Lodge monthly social was held at Roberto's Ristorante & Pizzeria and was well attended. Thank you Brother JW Jeff Lessard for making the arrangements.
March 14 - March Stated Meeting
The March Stated Meeting featured an official visit from the 15th Grand Masonic District DDGM, R:.W:.Eric Klienbach. Brother JW Jeff Lessard prepared a great meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage (Thank you SD Bruce Ferri for donating the corned Beef). There was a great attendance for both the meal and the lodge meeting. W:. Ron Hicks, President of the Villages Masonic Hi12 Club, made a presentation of "Honorary Member" certificates to W:. MIke Gaudiosi and R:.W:. Klienbach. The Lodge voted to accept Brother Carl Chew (Transfer from PA) as a member of the Villages Lodge - Welcome Brother Chew! There was a great Masonic Education presentation by R:.W. Mike Yanetti on "Masonic Light."
February 14 - February Stated Meeting
The February Stated Meeting highlighted the lodge's annual Chili Cook-off. There were over 8 chili's to sample but in spite of many many excellent chilie's the result was the same - Chili King R:.W:. Larry Kent came out on top for the 6th straight year. The attendance topped 30 for both the dinner as well as the lodge meeting. Petitions for the 3 degrees, transfers and duel membership was 8 for this month. The lodge is growing and many new members add to the variety of our mosaic membership. from around the country.
February 12 - Annual Valentine Dance
The Villages Masonic Lodge held its Annual Valentine Dance Fundraiser at the La Hacienda Recreation Center in the Villages on February 12th. was a great time with a good attendance. Brother J.W. Jeffrey Lessard prepared a great meal of roast pork, mashed potatoes and carrots. The attendees danced to the sounds of the famous "Bubba the DJ." There were plenty of raffle items, 50/50's and Lottery Board drawings for all to participate in. Another great event.
January 17 - January Lodge Social
The January Lodge social was held on Monday January 17th at Sammy's Italian Restaurant. It was a great time with a good turnout.
January 15 - Quarterly Road Cleanup
On Saturday, January 15th the Villages Lodge met for breakfast at Perkins Restaurant for breakfastprior to cleaning up trash along Rolling Acres Road. A good turnout allowed the quick cleanup. Thank you Brother SW Windmiller for spearheading this lodge activity.
January 10 - Stated Meeting
The 2022 Year began with Worshipful Master Mike Gaudiosi leading the Lodge. During the meal, Past Junior Master W:. Jim Hawkins presented W:. Frank Van Leer with a 6th Man Award for his support during the 2021 Year. R:.W:. Ed Mayfield presented Worshipful Gaudiosi with a custom Gavel made by W:. Jim Farrow.
January 8 - Installation
On January 8th, the Villages Masonic Lodge installed its officers for 2022. Worshipful Master Jim Hawkins closed the 2021 funeral lodge and opened the Called Communication opened for installing the 2022 Elected and Appointed Offers. R:.W:. Larry Kent was the installing officer, R:.W:. Ed Mayfield was the installing Chaplin and W:. Lou Hook was the installing Marshall. W:. Rich Koenig delivered the Charges. The meal was served by the Mt. Dora Rainbow Girls and made a gavel presentation to newly installed Worshipful Master Mike Gauidosi.
2021 Villages Masonic Lodge Activities
December 20 - Donation to Children, Inc.
On December 20, Worshipful Master James Hawkins presented the Lodge's donation to Children, Inc.
December 16 - 65 Year Certificate and Pin
On December 19th, W:. John Erb was presented with his 65 Year Certificate and Pin. Attending were R:.W:. Larry Kent, SW Mike Gauidosi and Worshipful Master James Hawkins. Congratulations John for a long service to Masonry.
December 15 - Worshipful Master of the Year
At the December 15th Masters and Wardens Meeting, the Village Lodge's Worshipful Master Jim Hawkins was presented as Co-Worshipful Master of the Year for the Grand 15th Masonic District along with Brian Zeppa of Leesburg Lodge. Michael Freach was presented as Mason of the Year.
December 13 - Stated Meeting
The final Stated Meeting of the year was held on December 13th. Several Villages Lodge awards were presented prior to the Lodge Meeting by Worshipful Jim Hawkins. Awards to Officers of the Lodge for their work and support during the year 2021 were made to R:.W:.'s Larry Kent and Ed Mayfield were presented with 6th Man Awards for helping as needed throughout the year. W:. Emmett Mills Jr. was presented with Outstanding Secretary award, R:.W:. Michael Yanetti was presented with Educator of the Year for leading the Lodge's Education program, SW Mike Gaudiosi, SD Jeff Lessard and JD Bruce Ferri were presented with Outstanding Mason Awards. Madlyn Windmiller was presented with Masonic Wife of the Year award and JW David Windmiller was presented with Mason of the Year award. W:. Lou Hook and Brother Paul Nemoda were presented with 40 Year Certificates and Pins. W:. Sam Ramdial was presented with his Fellow Craft Lecture Proficiency Award by Worshipful Jim Hawkins during the Lodge meeting.
November 21 - Rolling Acre Road Cleanup
Several Brothers gathered at Perkins Restaurant for breakfast prior to cleaning up the trash on Rolling Acres Road in Lady Lake
November 8 - Donation to Honor Flight
On November 8, JW David Windmiller presented the Lodge's donation to the Villages Honor Flight
November 8 - Stated Meeting
The November 8th Stated meeting was Military Appreciation Day for the Villages Masonic Lodge. There were 11 Veterans present at the meeting. All Veterans were presented with a Veterans Pin. W:. Sam Ramdial was presented with his Fellow Craft Lecture Proficiency card by Worshipful Master Jim Hawkins on behalf of District Instructor, R:.H:. Dale Doucet. Worshipful Hawkins presented Brother Thomas Cross his 60 Year Certificate and Pin.
October 30 - Annual Halloween Dance
The Lodge held its annual Halloween Dance on October 30th at the La Hacienda Recreation Center. There were over 150 in attendance. Thank you to JW David Windmiller for chairing this event and his wife Madalyn for a great evening. Music was provided by "Bubba the Famous DJ (aka W:. Emmett Mills Jr.).
October 11 - Stated Meeting
The October Stated Meeting was held following a great October Fest meal prepared by JW David Windmiller and his wife Madalyn. The Charter was draped for Brother Richard "Dick" Rounds who passed to the Celestial Lodge Above on 9/17. Several petitions were read and received for membership in the Lodge. A Master Mason Certificate was presented to Brother Richard Larry Alfree - the Lodges newest Master Mason.
September 30 - First Annual 100 Mason Night
On September 30th, several Brothers from the Villages Masonic Lodge traveled to Leesburg Lodge to attend the 15th Masonic District's First Annual 100 Mason Night. There were 109 Masons in attendance and included the Grand Master of Masons of Florida, M:.W:. Jeffrey S. Foster, and two past Grand Masters. The evening started out with a steak dinner and then adjourned to the lodge for the meeting. Entertainment was provided for the wives in attendance. All the lodge chairs were filled by the Worshipful Masters of the lodges of the 15th Masonic District. The Villages Lodge was well represented with Worshipful Master Jim Hawkins occupying the Chaplin's Chair, PM Rich Koenig filled the Marshall Chair and R:.W:. Ed Mayfield sat in the Treasurers Chair. Our own Secretary, W:. Emmett MiIls Jr., won the drawing for the prized Masonic Henry Rifle - lucky guy. A great night for the 15th Masonic District.
September 23 - Master Mason Degree
The Lodge performed a Master Mason Degree to raise Brother Richard Larry Alfree to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on September 23.Worshipful Master Jim Hawkins sat in the East and Brother SW Mike Gaudiosi gave the lecture. A great job by all participants!