Upcoming Events and Activities
Hand Sanitizer will be at the front door for ALL activities
** 2024 **
3. Hi-12 meeting at Cottage Inn; 11:00 AM - Ladies Welcome
3. Eustis Chapter York Rite; 6:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge No. 85
8. Monthly Stated Meeting - Closed Installation; Dinner at 12:30 PM / Meeting at 1:30 PM
8. Ocala Scottish Rite; Dinner at 6:30 PM / Meeting at 7:30 PM
10. Open Books at 6:00 PM; School of Instruction 7:30 PM - Peninsular Lodge No. 85
11. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
15. KCCH/Knights of St. Andrew at Ocala Scottish Rite Center; Dinner 6:30 PM/ Meetings at 7:30 PM
17. Memorial Lodge - Dinner at 6:00 PM - Meeting at 6:40 PM - Mt. Dora Lodge No. 238
17. Masters and Wardens - Following Memorial Lodge
18. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
20. Rolling Acres Road Cleanup; 7:45 Breakfast at Perkins - Cleanup following
24. York Rite - Golden Triangle Commandery; 6-9:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge No. 85
25. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
27. Wildwood Lodge Breakfast Fundraiser; 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM - $10
1. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
5. Scottish Rite; Dinner at 6:30 PM / Meeting at 7:30 PM at the Ocala Scottish Rite Center
7. Masonic Hi-12 at Cottage Inn; 11:00 AM - Ladies Welcome
7. Golden Triangle Council York Rite; 6:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge No. 85
8. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
12. Monthly Stated Communication; Dinner at 12:30 PM - Meeting at 1:30 PM
14. Open Books at 6:00 PM / School of Instruction at 7:30 PM; Peninsular Lodge No. 85
15. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
21. Memorial Lodge - Dinner at 6:00 PM; Meeting at 6:40 PM
21 Masters & Wardens following Memorial Lodge
22. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
24. Wildwood Breakfast Fundraiser; 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM; $10
28. Triangle Commandery York Rite; 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge No. 85
29. Weekly Lodge Practice - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge (All Master Masons Welcome)
1. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at WM's House (2906 Braddy Ct., the Villages) - All Master Masons Welcome
4. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 / Meeting 7:30 PM (Ladies Welcome
6. Villages Hi-12 Club - 11:00 AM at Cottage Inn (340 US 441,Lady Lake) - Ladies Welcome
6. Eustis Chapter York Rite - 7:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge
7. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at WM's House (2906 Braddy Ct., The villages) - All MM's Welcome
11. Monthly Stated Communication - Dinner 12:30 PM / Meeting 1:30 PM
13. Open Books 6:00 PM Peninsular Lodge/ School of Instruction 7:30 PM
14. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at WM's House (2906 Braddy Ct., The villages) - All MM's Welcome
18. Monthly Lodge Social - 5:00 PM at Mallory Hill Country Club (1675 Odell Cir., the Villages)
20. Memorial Lodge - 6:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge / Dinner at 6:40 PM followed by Masters & Warden's Assoc Mtg
21. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at WM's House (2906 Braddy Ct., The Villages) - All MM's Welcome
27. Triangle Commandry 38 at Peninsular Lodge - Dinner at 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM
28. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at WM's House (2906 Braddy Ct., The Villages) All MM's Welcome
30. Saturday Fundraising Breakfast - Wildwood Lodge (8:00 - 10:30 AM)
1. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM (Ladies Welcome)
3. Golden Triangle Council York Rite - Peninsular Lodge / 7:30 Meeting
3. Villages Masonic Hi-12 Club - 11:00 AM at Cottage Inn (340 US 441, Lady Lake) - Ladies Welcome
4. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at Wildwood Masonic Lodge. (All Master Masons Welcome)
8. Monthly Stated Communication - Dinner 12:30 PM / Meeting 1:30 PM
10. Open Books 6:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge / School of Instruction 7:30 PM
11. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM (Location TBD)
15. Widows Night - 5:00 PM at Lil Bits Cafe (11962 CR 101)
17. Memorial Lodge 6:00 PM Dinner/Meeting 6:40 PM followed by Masters & Wardens - Umatilla Lodge No. 65)
18. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM (Location TBD)
24. Triangle Commandery 38 at Peninsular Lodge - Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM
25 Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM (Location TBD)
27. Wildwood Lodge Fundraising Breakfast (8:00 - 11:00 AM)
1. Eustas Chapter York Rite - Peninsular Lodge - 6:00 PM Practice / 7:00 PM Meeting
2. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM Lessard House
6. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM (Ladies Welcome)
8. Open Books 6:00 PM at Peninsular Lodge / School of Instruction 7:30 PM
9. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM / Wildwood Lodge (Officers Meeting at 2:30 PM)
13. Stated Communication - Dinner 12:30 PM / Meeting 1:30 PM
15. Memorial Lodge at 6:00 PM - Peninsular Lodge / Dinner 6:40 PM - Masters & Wardens following dinner
16. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at Lessard House
20. Lodge Monthly Social - 5:00 PM at Evans Prairie Country Club (Everyone welcome)
22. Triangle Commandery 38 - Cancelled for May
23. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at Lessard House
25. Wildwood Lodge fundraising Breakfast - 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
30. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at Lessard House
3. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM = Ladies Welcome
5. Masonic Hi-12 - 11:00 AM / Cottage Inn Restaurant Lady Lake
5. Golden Triangle Council York Rite - 7:00 PM Peninsular Lodge
6. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM / Wildwood Masonic Lodge / Officers Meeting follows
8. Rolling Acres Road Cleanjup / 7:45 AM Breakfast at Perkins Resturant 905 Bichara Blvd Lady Lake - POSTPONED
10. Stated Communication - Lunch 12:30 PM / Meeting 1:30 PM
13. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM / Worshipful Lessard's House
12. Open Books 6:00 PM Peninsular Lodge / School of Instruction 7:30 PM
17. Monthly Lodge Social -Belle Glade Country Club / 5:00 PM (Everyone Welcome)
19. Memorial Lodge 6:00 PM / Dinner 6:40 PM / Masters & Wardens following Dinner - Wildwood Lodge No.92
20. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM Worshipful Lessard's House
22. Triangle Commandery No. 38 York Rite - 7:00 PM / Peninsular Lodge
27. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM Worshipful Lessard's House
29. Saturday Fundraising Breakfast - Wildwood Lodge / 8:00 - 10:30 AM
1. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM (Ladies Welcome)
3. Masonic Hi-12 Club - 11:00 AM / Cottage Inn Restaurant Lady Lake
3. Eustis Chapter York Rite - 7:30 PM Peninsular Lodge
4. No Officers Practice and Meeting
8. Stated Communication - Lunch 12:30 PM / Meeting 1:30 PM
10. Open Books 6:00 PM Peninsular Lodge / School of Instruction 7:00 PM
11. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM at Worshipful Lessard's House
15. Monthly Lodge Social - Havana Country Club Restaurant / 5:00 PM
17. Memorial Lodge 6:00 PM / Dinner 6:40 PM / Masters & Wardens following dinner / Groveland Lodge No. 190
18. Monthly Rehearsal - 1:00 PM - IOOF Hall (2401 Virginia Drive, Leesburg) / All Master Masons Welcome
24. Triangle Commandery No. 38 York Rite - 7:00 PM Peninsular Lodge
25. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM - IOOF Hall (2401 Virginia Drive, Leesburg) / All Master Masons Welcome
1. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM - IOOF Hall (2401 Virginia Drive, Leesburg) / All Master Masons Welome
7. Masonic Hi-12 Club / 11:00 AM - Cottage Inn Restaurant Lady Lake
7. Golden Triangle Council York Rite - 7:00 PM Peninsular Lodge
8 Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM - IOOF Hall / Officers Meeting 2:30 PM (All Master Masons Welcome)
12. Stated Communication - Lunch 12:30 PM/ Meeting 1:30 PM - IOOF Hall
12. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 / Meeting 7:30 PM (Postponed from August 5th)
14. Open Books 6:00 PM Peninsular Lodge / School of Instruction 7:00 PM
15. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)
17. Rolling Acres Road Cleanup (Breakfast at Perkins Lady Lake at 7:45 AM) Cleanup following Breakfast
19. Monthly Lodge Social - 5:00 PM / Cane Garden Country Club (1728 Bailey Trail, The Villages)
21. Memorial Lodge 6:00 PM / Dinner 6:40 PM / Masters and Wardens Following Dinner - Clermont Lodge #226
22. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)
28. Triangle Commandry York Rite 7:00 PM Peninsular Lodge (Check out New Joining Fee of $0 Dollars!!)
29 Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)
2. Ocala Scottish Rite - Dinner 6:30 PM / Meeting 7:30 PM
4. Masonic Hi-12 Club - 11:00 AM Cottage Inn Restaurant Lady Lake
4. Golden Triangle Council #28 York Rite / 7:00 PM Peninsular Lodge (Check out new Member of Fee $0)
5. Ritual Rehearsal - 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)
9. Stated Communication - Lunch 12:30 PM / Meeting 1:30 PM - IOOF Hall
11. Open Books 6:00 PM Peninsular Lodge / School of Instruction 7:00 PM
12. Ritual Rehearsal 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)
16. Monthly Lodge Social 5:00 PM Napolino's Restaurant (9811 US Hwy 301 Wildwood)
18. Memorial Lodge 6:00 PM / Dinner 6:40 PM / Masters & Wardens Following Dinner
19. Ritual Rehearsal 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)
25. Triangle Commandery York Rite - 7:00 PM Peninsular Lodge (Check out New Joining Fee of $0 dollars)
26. Ritual Rehearsal 1:00 PM IOOF Hall (All Master Masons Welcome)